“Un pueblo en las esquinas de la nada” por Andrés Gómez
(Colectivo Misiva Asturias, Spain)
Beyond Roots
Stichting Zelfbeschikking West-Sahara de Holanda
Colectivo Misiva de Asturias
25 de febrero al 4 de marzo
Centro Cultural Mezrab
Domselaerstraat 120
1093 MB Amsterdam
Resumen de la actividad:
La exposición fotográfica "Un pueblo en las esquinas de la nada" se presenta en el próximo sábado 25 de febrero en Amsterdam. El reportaje estará expuesto en el Centro Cultural Mezrab del 25 al 4 de marzo. La muestra fotográfica servirá de eje a una serie de actividades que organizadas por las entidades Beyond Roots y Stichting Zelfbeschikking West-Sahara de Holanda, en colaboración con el Colectivo Cultural Misiva de Asturias, tienen como objeto acercar y dar a conocer a la ciudadanía holandesa la problemática humana y política del conflicto del Sáhara Occidental.
Programa Completo
Exposition and Debate “Un pueblo en las esquinas de la nada” by Andrés Gómez A people in the corners of nowhere (produced by Colectivo Misiva Asturias, Spain)
This exposition focuses on the social reality in which the Sahrawi people have been forced to live for the last 36 years. The exposition shows the different historical, social, geographic and cultural aspects of the life in the Refugee Camps of Tindouf and looks at the identity of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).
A people in the corners of nowhere brings closer to us the problematic of a society condemned to obscurity in the arid and hostile Algerian Hamada of Tindouf by the inaction of the international actors who should organize a referendum in the Western Sahara.
The exposition shows the dryness of the land and the conditions of the camps, where more than 180.000 people live since 1975, waiting to return to their homes in the territories currently occupied by Morocco. It describes the social and cultural activities in the camps, amazingly organized thanks to the work of the women. It brings to the lives of Europeans the human side of the Sahrawi conflict, with alive portraits of men, women and children from the camps.
ACTIVITIES The activities framed inside the exposition will consist in
•A public debate during the inauguration
•Afternoon tea with poetry and dance performance
•Film evening and discussion on plan of action for long term campaign.
•Story-telling evening
DEBATE: Saturday, 25th February
The debate issues will be the following:
1.The situation in the refugee camps
2.The looting of the fish and phosphates
The already confirmed participants in the debate are:
•Sdiga Settaf, representative of the Sahrawi people.
•Diego Bustamante, Spanish Plenipotentiary Minister (former Spanish consul in Amsterdam).
•Andrés Gómez, photographer (author of the exposition “A people in the corners of nowhere”).
•Pedro Pinto Leite, international jurist, secretary of the International Platform of Jurists for East Timor.
This debate will be framed in the inauguration of the exposition.
We are still waiting for some confirmations to complete the panel.
AFTERNOON TEA: Sunday, 26th February
On Sunday Amsterdammers are invited to a warm tea afternoon and to enjoy poetry, music and a dance performance.
People and organizations from the Netherlands are invited to this film session. After the film there will be a discussion on the possible strategies to organize a long term campaign at local and national level. One of the tools we already offer is the exposition itself, which can be showed in other Dutch towns as Groningen, Utrecht and the Hague.
STORY-TELLING: Friday, 2 March
Sahand Sahebdavani, a well-known storyteller in Amsterdam, will address a story-telling event in Dutch in the evening of Friday 2nd March.
Contact: Beyond Roots
Beyond Roots is the cultural branch of the Stichting Pfe! Amsterdam. Beyond Roots wants to offer a space for a dynamic interaction between art, social environment and the self, provoking collective and personal thoughts about relevant social issues. By creating an “at home” atmosphere, the space promotes emotional well-being and a framework for cooperation and social participation through art.